Friday 4 April 2014

A jailed student activist on hunger strike

Arash Mohammadi

HRANA News Agency – Arash Mohammadi, the imprisoned leftist student activist, has begun hunger strike announcing his support to Shahrokh Zamani’s demand of being returned to Rajai Shahr Prison in Karaj.

According to the report of Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), Arash Mohammadi has begun a 5 days long hunger strike to support Shahrokh Zamani, the jailed worker activist.

Shahrokh Zamani, the member of the provisional board for reopening of House-Painter Workers’ Union and the Follow-up Committee to Set up Free Labor Organizations is on hunger strike since March 11th when he was exiled from Rajai Shahr Prison to Ghezelhesar Prison both in Karaj.

Arash Mohammadi and a group of students were arrested on June 15, 2013 by the IRGC intelligence forces. He was sentenced to 6 months in prison by branch 3 of Tabriz revolutionary court on charge of propaganda against the regime.

He had been sentenced to 1 year in prison already and was released on January 10, 2013 on parole which means he has to serve also the 6 months which was suspended on the basis of parole law.

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