Tuesday 1 April 2014

Israel and US discuss cooperation with Gulf states

                     Gantz and Dempsey ( AFP )                                 

Israel and US discuss cooperation with Gulf states

Cooperation reportedly includes intelligence sharing and joint counter-terrorism exercises
Israeli Chief of Staff, Benny Gantz, and Gen. Martin Dempsey, visiting chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, on Monday discussed the possibility of Israeli security cooperation with the Persian Gulf states.
At a joint news conference after their meeting, Dempsey said the discussions included “an outreach to other partners who may not have been willing to be partners in the past... What I mean is the Gulf states in particular, who heretofore may not have been as open-minded to the potential for cooperation with Israel, in any way."

Dempsey did not elaborate, but other American military officials said such cooperation could include intelligence sharing, joint counter-terrorism exercises and possible Israeli and Saudi training of Syrian opposition fighters.

“World jihadists are not fighting only against Israel,” Gantz said, adding that it would be in the interests of both Israel and neighboring states to look for ways to combat mutual enemies.

Israel has been openly seeking cooperation with Saudi Arabia and Gulf states since the growing rapprochement between world powers and Iran, which most of its Arab neighbors regard as a threat to their security.
Dempsey stressed the importance the US sees in alliances. "Sometimes we've been accused of not leading enough," Dempsey said. "I have found both a great appetite and a great acceptance for our military leadership, especially in things like building partner capacity, which ultimately is the greatest strategic hedge against risk in the future -- far more so than any direct action."
Asked whether the recent criticism of the United States by Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon had harmed military ties, Gantz said: "There is no doubt that the relationship is as solid as ever."
Dempsey, for his part, said that one of the things he valued most about the relationship was its candor. "The world is complicated enough without our speaking in parables to each other," Dempsey said. "This is a time for great clarity and candor, and we can always count on our Israeli partners to do that."

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