Thursday 27 March 2014

Coast battles flare up .. and the rebels approaching from the birthplace of al-Assad

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WASHINGTON: the bombing of the rebel brigades, Qardahah town of Bashar al-Assad and his father's hometown, Grad missiles, in the context of the battles that erupted in the Sahel region the past two days.
As the rebels have managed to break into a military post in the "win", located Brive Latakia, at a time when Assad's forces have failed in their expulsion by heavy shelling intensified.
And stormed the rebel point 45, which is about an observatory to Assad's forces in the gain overlooking the wide spaces of the countryside of Latakia, resulting intrusion that has been Bmadrah bomb carrying a large quantity of explosives, killed the commander of Special Troops Battalion in point, while the rebels broadcast pictures of fighters who are inside Observatory.
According to the current operations of the approaching battles "Qardahah" which buried Monday Guetalha Hilal al-Assad, Bashar Assad's cousin, after dominating the rebels to "pocket" when the coast linking them to the Mediterranean Sea for the first time since the start of the revolution on the system 3 years ago.
Activists also confirmed that the clashes broke out on the outskirts of the town, "gain", in an attempt to retrieve it from the system, and raged at Mount Turkmen near the "win" in particular.
The clashes in the Sahel region, days after a statement a spokesman for the Supreme Military Council of the Army, trapping heat that the Sahel region of West-dominated upper Syria and Bashar al-Assad's hometown 50 thousand troops capable of dropping system.

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