Thursday 27 March 2014

Derailed Chicago train operator 'fell asleep' on duty

Derailed Chicago Transit Authority train car at Chicago O'Hare Airport station on 24 March 2014
The unnamed train operator was said to have admitted falling asleep while on duty in February, resulting in a train partially missing its station

The operator of a Chicago train which derailed on Monday, injuring 32 people, has said she fell asleep while on duty, according to federal officials.
The unnamed woman, employed as an operator for two months, reportedly admitted it was not the first time she had dozed off on the job.
The speeding metro train jumped its tracks at O'Hare International Airport and hurtled up an escalator.
None of the injuries at the busy airport were said to be serious.
"She did admit that she dozed off prior to entering the station," National Transportation Safety Board investigator Ted Turpin said during a news conference on Wednesday.
Mr Turpin said the woman often worked an erratic shift schedule.
She was reportedly disciplined in February after falling asleep on the job as her train partially missed a station.
The woman is said to be co-operating with investigators.

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